DAY 1 – Sonoma to San Rafael to San Francisco – 62 miles
DAY 2 – San Jose to Santa Clara Santa Cruz -??70 miles
DAY??3 – Santa Cruz to San Juan Bautista to Carmel – 92 miles
DAY 4 – Carmel to Soledad to San Antonio – 75 miles
DAY 5 – San Miguel to San Luis Obispo- 55 miles
DAY 6 – San Luis Obispo to La Purisima – 75 miles
We had our first mechanical issues today. Brian broke a shifter cable, and on the ride to the nearest bike shop, Vince flatted both front & rear tires from thorns. We rode a few miles out of??our way to Velo bike shop in Nipomo…
…where we found that the shop didn’t open for 2 more hours! Good thing we carried spare tubes & a spare shifter cable!
DAY 7 – La Purisima to Santa Ines – 44 miles
DAY – 8 Santa Ines to Santa Barbara to San Buenaventura – 67 miles
Bruce & Vince have headed for home, and Tim & Brian ride over San Marcos Pass to Santa Barbara
DAY 9 – San Buenaventura to San Fernando Rey de Espana – 55 miles
Brian & Sylvia stayed with Brian’s parents in Camarillo, so Brian “cheated” and started in Camarillo, rather than having Sylvia drive to Ventura to start at the mission. (Editor’s note: on the drive back north, his guilt compelled him to complete that segment.)
From San Fernando, Brian & Sylvia drove across the L.A. basin to Mission San Gabriel Arcangel…Mission San Gabriel Arcangel
- From San Fernando, Brian & Sylvia drove across the L.A. basin to Mission San Gabriel Arcangel…Mission San Gabriel Arcangel
…and then drove across the rest of the basin to Mission San Juan Capistrano.
DAY 10 – San Juan Capistrano to San Luis Rey to San Diego – 90 miles
The sun finally came out as Brian turned downwind 5 miles from Mission San Diego.
After riding 683 miles between the California Missions (plus another 50-60 just for fun), it’s time to call an end to this wonderful trek.